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"3000 years ago you we're unable to defeat Zork with your strength alone... At that time you chose to seal yourself with Zork... But this time with Zork resurrected again, you had some friends to protect you, some comrades to support you..." "alone...... this time....  friends.... protect... support..."

Yugi shot up in bed, the words echoing in his mind. It had been two years since Atemu had gone into the afterlife and since that day in Egypt he was haunted by dreams about the Pharaoh, no... memories of him, but this was different... As of the last month he had been having the Pharaoh's memories as dreams... and he knew it was the Pharaoh's memories because Yugi had never seen them before... and they always ended with the words of Horahkty echoing in his mind. They always made Yugi wonder if the Pharaoh was really that alone when he fought, but... it wasn't time to dwell. Atemu was in the afterlife, he was gone. He was gone...


"Prince! You cannot do that! You're to be Pharaoh!" A younger version of Mahado exclaimed as young Atemu sucked venom out of the wound the older had received from the snake. Mana cried in the background but Atemu spoke about an ideal of equality... and Mahado was in awe... Atemu looked up directly to where Yugi stood watching... as if he could see him there, watching them... why was he even watching them? Suddenly there was a change... Yugi looked around as it seemed he were floating in the sky after something, but as he looked around all he could see was dark sky and sand, but there was something... there was a trail of raised sand behind something that seemed to be moving quickly. As it came into focus it was seen as Atemu, older this time in his later teens, obviously Pharaoh by now, riding on a racing horse, Mana clinging to him as they rode. Both of them were clearly distraught but handling it differently. They managed to reach what appeared to be a small battle and Atemu grabbed a sword from the ground and had Mana dismount. As Atemu rode and fought there appeared to be some commotion towards where the Pharaoh had dropped Mana. The other warriors seemed more motivated to fight then, at the sight of their Pharaoh... Once the small battle had ended Atemu returned to Mana's side at the large block and on it slowly appeared an image. Mana began to scream, and Atemu's eyes grew wide. Mana's sobs of "Master" echoed through Yugi's mind as the scene changed again.
The scene was now the Pharaoh's room and Atemu stood at the balcony, obviously prepared for bed, being as he lacked a shirt, as he stared out over the city. The small tremble of his shoulders were the only hints to his clearly upset stature. His hands were clutched into tight fists and his head drooped, shoulders still trembling. Yugi felt an empty pain in his chest as he tried to reach out to the Pharaoh, despite the knowledge that the pharaoh wasn't truly there. As he reached out he was slowly pulled away. Yugi expected to see Atemu again... or to wake up... but there he was standing in front of a man who resembled the Black Magician far too much. His voice was careful and soft, but still strong. "Yugi... Thank you." The man said and suddenly it clicked in his mind. This was Mahado... "Thank you for taking care of the Pharaoh when I could not. Thank you."

Yugi never told anyone about his dreams, he never thought he should. Anzu was still touchy over the subject of the Pharaoh and Jounouchi wouldn't understand. So every night before bed Yugi would clasp the pharaoh's name bearing necklace tightly and fall asleep with it around his neck.

That night Yugi's dream that night had, often like the others started out with a random shot of the palace that he had seen in the Pharaoh's world of memories... only this time it was a mess, like it was during the battle against Zork. That's when Yugi realized just what time it was that he landed in. He looked around and saw Atemu... battered and bruised but changing his clothes to his finest robes when Seto stormed in. "Pharaoh!" The priest called as he rushed in to see Atemu, dressing himself in his best. "Pharaoh, what are you doing?" He questioned urgently as Atemu put on the Millennium Puzzle.
"Seto, when this is over I trust you to rise to the throne in my place. When I am gone, lead the people on." He said as he turned to Seto, his face hard but a small glimmer of fear in his eyes, that was easily masked as determination.  "What are you talking about, Pharaoh?" Seto asked in shock. Atemu simply smiled and set his robe correctly and adjusted his crown and faced his high priest. "Seto... to beat Zork the only thing I can conceive to do now is to bind his soul." Atemu said and finally a look of shock and understanding flashed upon his face. "Pharaoh no. We can find a way. Your soul will never find peace!" Seto protested but Atemu only raised his hand to silence him. "Seto promise that me body is dead... a body without a soul is too dangerous." He said, looking up to the man and now his successor. Seto let out a tortured breath and nodded slowly. "Yes, Pharaoh..." He said, bowing down to his knee in front of the teen king.  Atemu rested his hand on Seto's shoulder and ordered him to rise. "Let us go, Seto." He said, and the two slowly left the palace, and Yugi watched after them with wide eyes. "No..."
Yugi looked around over the area that he had found himself next; looking out into the desert from the border of the city. "Pharaoh! The Pharaoh!" Cheers rose as Atemu and Seto rode towards them. A path had formed and as they passed through some women stood in the closest to the line, tossing flowers into their path... as if not expecting them to live. There was a silence that fell over the land as Atemu faced what was left of his court. "Seto... I trust you to rein in my absence... Mana, continue to grow strong and follow in Mahado's footsteps." He said with a small smile, hearing a whimpered "Prince..." from Mana. He bowed slightly, and not just to his court, but to the whole army before making eye contact with Yugi... but... he couldn't see him... right?
Atemu turned his horse and rode off towards Zork. There was an utter silence, the only noise being the constant crashing and growls from Zork, the sound of the Pharaoh's horse, and Mana's soft sobs. Yugi could feel himself nearing tears, simply watching the Pharaoh about to sacrifice himself for his people... Suddenly what Yugi saw was different. He was floating above Zork, looking down at the Pharaoh, who was removing the puzzle from around his neck and held it to the sky. He was speaking a language Yugi didn't understand but he pulled a dagger from under his cloak. "With my soul I bind yours." He spoke before thrusting the dagger into his chest. As he did so a blinding light shined from his chest, eyes, and mouth, arching his back and throwing his head back the Millennium Puzzle rose from his hand into the air. The light finally expelled itself from the Pharaoh and flew through Zork, and with it dragging out a black shadow from Zork's body and thrusting both into the Puzzle. Zork's body fell into sand and the Millennium Puzzle shattered but all Yugi could see was the Pharaoh's body crumple and slide off the horse, landing on it's stomach. The eclipse ended but only illuminated Atemu's body, the light reflecting off the pool of blood that formed around the teen king's torso, and Yugi was suddenly pulled from the dream by none other than his own sob.

It was another school day where Yugi sat at his desk bored as the next teacher entered the room for the next lesson, and with the time it was history. The sensei made a loud enough noise to gather the attention of the students and a smile graced his lips. "Good afternoon, it's time for today's lesson." He said with a smile, though Yugi didn't see, still staring out the window.  "Today we will be starting on ancient Egypt." Now that caught Yugi's attention, turning his head to the sensei with wide eyes. He didn't know they were going to even broach the subject of Ancient Egypt... ever. "Now does anyone here have any knowledge of Egypt?" He asked, and a few tentative hands were risen, including Anzu's, Jounouchi's, and Honda's, only after a few insistent looks from the three did Yugi also raise his. "Jounouchi, how about you tell us something you know. Don't worry I don't expect much." The Sensei teased making Jou frown.
"The Valley of the Kings." Jounouchi said causing a pained look to cross over Yugi's face, as well as Honda's and Anzu's. "It remains the resting place for Seti the first, Ramesies the Second and A- ...the nameless Pharaoh." Jou said catching himself before he said the wrong thing, but Yugi still looked down, pained at the thought of the tomb, where somewhere Atemu's body rested... Something he admittedly never thought of but now he was painfully aware that somewhere there his body was. The Sensei seemed impressed. "Anzu, what about you? What do you know?" He questioned the girl, who gave him a smile before saying. "The god Atum was considered the creator of Re, and the world, Goddess Isis was the mother goddess and revived the dead into the next world." The Sensei seemed once again impressed. "Honda?"
The boy thought for a minute before speaking. "The next world was called the Field of Reeds and to get there the person must be approved by Anubis, the scales, and Osiris." He said with a triumphant smile. Most of these things they knew due to Ishizu and Marik, and because of them were now saving their butts now. "Very good, now Yugi I do believe your hand was up as well?" The Sensei insisted.
"The soul that leaves the body after death is called 'Ka' The Ka and Ba were said to have been made on a potting wheel by Khnum. The bodies of the dead were sent across the Nile, as if representing the passing of the Ka, before burial..." Yugi said, recalling what Ishizu said when they went for the final duel as they passed over the water. The Sensei also seemed impressed. "How did you four know so much?" He questioned, only to receive a quick answer from Anzu. "We went on a trip to Egypt to visit out friends." She said, averting her eyes from the sensei.
With a nod the Sensei went on with his lesson. As most questions revolved around the Pharaohs and their powers that was what he chose to focus on. "The Pharaoh was the embodiment of the law, as well as the chief priest. The Pharaoh would settle simple legal disputes but also lead the people in the rituals that sustained Egypt." The Sensei explained, the only people truly paying attention were Yugi's group of friends and a handful of people at the front of the room who were seemingly interested in everything.  "The Pharaoh was the upholder of the Universal order called Maat. As long as the Pharaoh and the people honored the gods and obeyed the laws set down for them, Maat would be in balance and all would be well. Yet if the Pharaoh should fail..." The Sensei paused for affect, making most of the room roll their eyes yet Yugi was almost painfully at attention to what the Sensei was saying, almost feeling closer to Atemu now that he was learning more about the Pharaoh's role as King. "...not only the people but the whole world would suffer. Maat formed the basis of all things. Now the Pharaoh was not a god in and of himself, he was a god-king. An avatar, not an incarnation, there is a subtle difference." Sensei explained pacing a small line in the front of the line letting the room process what he had said and finally one of the students at the front of the room asked the question that was slowly chewing its way into Yugi's mind.
"What happened to the Pharaoh once he died...?"
The Sensei smiled at the student's interest. "Do you refer to his body or soul?" In his mind Yugi corrected the Sensei, from soul to Ka. "The body would go though the seventy day embalming process and mummification, that we'll go over in a few days but it is said that when the Pharaoh died his spirit joined those of his predecessors together with Osiris. From there he guided his successors as he had been guided in life, creating a continuous cycle: the living honoring and remembering the dead and the dead aiding the living from the afterlife, all connected through the Pharaoh, known as the emissary of both worlds." As the Sensei finished the bell wrung, causing the class to begin to pack up as it was the last lesson of the day. Yugi sat still for a time as Anzu, Jounochi, and Honda walked up to him with matching solemn expressions. They stood there for a moment silent, the only sound being that of the Sensei's gathering of his own things in preparation to leave. "I miss him..." Yugi admitted quietly, the rest of the group nodding silently. "Maybe we could visit Marik and Ishizu during our next break and maybe visit the tomb...?" Jou offered kindly, making the Sensei pause overhearing. Anzu spoke up enraged. "That wouldn't help at all you idiot! It would only be a reminder that he's gone."
Yugi looked up at them with a small smile. "Maybe we could think about it, but just to visit Ishizu and Marik, after all I think we really should move on." Yugi said standing and grabbing his bag. "He's passed on to the Field of Reeds where he belongs... with Mana and the others..."

That night Yugi's dreams added no assistance. He found himself in darkness, looking around for something but found nothing. Suddenly Bakura appeared, not Ryo Bakura, not even Yami no Bakura... but Thief King Bakura. He stood proud with a dark smirk on his tan face. "You think so highly of the Pharaoh, you don't know anything about his true nature. Considered a hero for sacrificing himself but before then he was as dark and evil as I was." Bakura spat with that taunting dark smirk. "That can't be true!" Yugi called out at Bakura who only grinned wider. "Here's your proof." The white haired man said and the darkness disappeared, revealing a dark smoke covered town, the sounds of crashing metal ringing through the air. As Bakura and Yugi grew closer Yugi could make out Atemu on a horse, sword drawn the blade already covered in blood. He looked dark and enraged, a terrifying sight, something Yugi already feared. "Never mind how high the cost may go, find him! Find him and bring him to me!" Atemu yelled before riding swiftly towards a man and cutting him down easily, the scene quickly fading out. "What... what could have caused this...?" Yugi muttered the question but Bakura was no longer there, and he felt himself falling into darkness, hearing that yell again and again. "Find him! Find him and bring him to me!" Yugi shot up in bed, eyes wide, sweat gathering on his body. It was too early to be up but too late to go back to sleep, Yugi simply sat there in his bed breathing hard and crying.

"Today we will be easing our way into the gods of Ancient Egypt. We'll start out with the protective gods and goddesses, and those who protected the Pharaoh, and stood by his side in battle." The Sensei said. Yugi was exhausted, the dream from the previous night still lingering in his mind. "We might as well start out with Werethakau, who nurtured the royal child, this already shows the Pharaoh's connection with the gods. Three generally protective deity's include Bes, who also stands for many other things but for the time being we will just focus on him being a protective deity. Baset and Isis are also protector goddesses with magical skills. Neith is a goddess who protects the line of the kings, while Nekhbet and Uto were the "two ladies" who protected the King. While Set is known for the murder of his own brother Osiris, and to represent chaos with Horus he would still protect the king. The goddess Sakhmet and god Montu stood by the Pharaoh's side in battle to support, guide, and protect him..." At this point Yugi tried his hardest to tune out the Sensei. He couldn't help but think of Atemu in battle... and his yell. "Find him! Find him and bring him to me!" Who was he so desperately searching for, and why did he obviously despise the person so much...?

That night in Yugi's dream he found himself following behind Atemu in the gardens, he was walking with another man who looked oddly like Yugi. Atemu's arm was around the man's waist and they were both smiling. Behind them followed Isis and Mahado, watching from afar like guards. Yugi couldn't help the sudden deep envy of the man on Atemu's arm as the Pharaoh plucked a flower from the bush beside them and slid it behind the man's ear, rubbing his thumb across his cheek, both of them smiling. Behind them the millennium necklace glowed and Isis' eyes widened. "Pharaoh!" She called, causing them both to look to her but the man saw it first, moving in front of Atemu and an arrow piercing through his chest, an arrow clearly aimed for the Pharaoh. Atemu's eyes widened and he caught the man as he fell, dropping to his knees and cradling the dying man in his arms. Mahado was yelling orders out to various guards to find the attempted assassin. "Heba..." Atemu's voice was quiet at first, looking down at the dying man with watery eyes, watching as his obvious lover slowly died. "Heba... please..." Atemu pleaded, more to the gods than the actual dying man. "Anubis... please don't take him from me..." The pharaoh pleaded, resting his forehead against Heba's, his shoulders shaking in grief. Heba slowly raised his hand to rest it upon Atemu's cheek. "Don't grieve for me Pharaoh... I promise... I'll return for you... To protect you always... Atemu..." Heba's voice fell to a whisper as he continued, hand slowly falling from Atemu's cheek, making the Pharaoh whisper his name. "Heba...?" He whispered almost hopefully, wishing the man hadn't truly died, but when he got no response he held the body close to him and let out a heartbreaking sob, followed by a painful cry of the man's name. "Heba!"
Isis seemed almost afraid to pull the Pharaoh from the boy but as soon as she neared him Atemu carefully lay the man down and stood, tear tracks down his face but no longer flowing from his eyes. There was a damp bloodstain on the white cloth covering his chest and a dark look on his face. "Find him. Find the man who killed my Heba." And suddenly Yugi understood. Atemu was searching for the man who killed his lover... His lover who looked just like Yugi... Yugi's... past life...?

"Upon the Pharaoh's rise to the throne he would appoint one of his closest friends to begin the plans on his tomb, this was quite often the first order of business as Pharaoh th-" The Sensei was interrupted by the bell signaling the end of the day and the students immediately gathered their things and left the room as soon as possible, being as it was now officially break. Yugi rushed over to Anzu, Honda, and Jounouchi with a rare smile plastered across his face. "Everyone, I got a letter this morning from Ishizu and Marik. They said that not only do they insist on all of us visiting over break but that they have a very important surprise for us." He said with a smile, excited at the possibility of seeing the siblings again. Anzu, Jounouchi, and Honda all grinned at the thought and it was decided, made completely official with Jounouchi's cheer of. "We're going back to Egypt!" Which caught the Sensei's attention.
"You four are going to Egypt?" He inquired, though the answer was already obvious. The four nodded with large smiles. "A few years ago we became friends with a trio of siblings from Egypt and on occasion they come and visit us but it's our turn to go see them." Anzu decided to explain, leaving out a few important points. "The Ishtar family." Yugi added as if to help with some clarification. "Of the Tombkeepers?" The Sensei asked intrigued, only to get a nod in return. "We should be going, goodbye Sensei!" Anzu said and the four departed from the room speaking of their plans for the visit, and not once was the Pharaoh mentioned.

Yugi's dreams had stopped almost a week ago and now, on the plane to Egypt all Yugi could hear when he closed his eyes was Atemu's voice repeating "Aibou..." and Yugi knew then... something huge was about to happen.
Part one of my yu-gi-oh fanfiction. Art and story are both mine however Yu-Gi-Oh is not.
© 2012 - 2024 Igiko937
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farmersdriver's avatar
This is really good! Good job!